Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Spotlight on New Games

In the New England community, there are a variety of new games debuting in the next year or so. Forums are a-twitter with possible character concepts, costume ideas, and prop construction. Over the next week or so, I’ll be looking at newer larps in the New England area. Please check out the websites below, and, if so inclined, share your character concepts and plans.

Are you involved with any of these games? Also-- am I missing any?


  1. I hadn't heard of Kyranthia. Looks like it already started. I poked around on the website and downloaded the rulebook to read, but I'd be interested to hear more about it from someone involved, either staff or a player.

    Invictus sounds like a really cool setting to LARP in. I'm enjoying reading the headers as they come out, and I really like how the mechanics encourage things like teaching and recording plot in-game. This might be a bit premature, but I'm already wondering how to make cold weather costuming that both looks appropriate for the genre and will keep me warm. (I get cold really easily.) Maybe I could watch the winter scenes in Gladiator for some ideas.

    Shadows of Amun also sounds like a really cool setting, though I'm hoping to try a LARP without guns. I like the headers so far, though I'm curious to see how they'll differ (or overlap.) For example, in most LARPs mechanics and inventors are the same people. I'd kind of like to NPC this LARP- maybe I'd get to dress up as a mummy!

    I'm a complete sucker for the dark fairy tale favor of Cottington Woods, so I'm really hoping to play in this LARP. There's not much on the website yet, but I can't help already dreaming up character concepts and costuming. Right now, I want to play a healer scholar monk paladin harrier rogue archer... I should probably narrow that down. They have a rather eclectic mix of cultures (including one based on Australian and New Zealand native cultures- I've never seen that in a LARP before.) I wish I could make a character for each one.

    I'm a bit biased in favor of Clockwork Skies, since a lot of my friends are on the staff, but I think it's going to be amazing. I'll probably NPC that one, though the character creation structure looks like fun.

  2. One note on Invictus that will also help is we'll be releasing a costume guide within the next few months. :)

