Monday, April 23, 2012

Madrigal Highlights

So this past weekend was the Madrigal season opener. I invite everyone to share their highlights, comments in general, and that sort of thing. A huge thank you to the staff and NPCs that made it all possible.

To get things rolling...

I really enjoyed the Fenric/blood spirits/grove plot arc. Up until this event, it had been an engaging, if somewhat straightforward, narrative. However, this event, identities and plot twists were revealed that, I believe, shook players engaged with the plotline. It was simply an example of fine writing, good acting, and, maybe most importantly, a well-paced plotline (in other words, the staff member didn't immediately reveal the most surprising plot points too soon).


  1. I really enjoyed the voyage to the Dreamfell. 8 PCs started off the module drained, and 5 PCs had to defend them. The defenders didn't have a ton of skills either - only skills they found on the last dreamfell module. I felt incredibly vulnerable!

    We went down a long path, then through the barn, then across the field to the lake... it felt like we traveled a long way, experiencing little bits of the setting as we went. The module had a lot of twists and turns, including a great RP / combat scene at the end. And Rob's Cheshire-Cat character is a great hook.

    All in all, a really well put-together episode. We crossed a large amount of physical space, so it felt like a journey, rather than a series of rooms. I started off weak and eventually got the skills to defend myself. Things were very mysterious, but we slowly started to learn the story. We were dogged by a nightmare we couldn't slay - we eventually had to leave the Dreamfell to escape from it. So in essence, we experienced a build-up and release of several different types of tension. Well written, well directed!

    1. I really enjoy the recent trend "crossing large amounts of space" has become. In Mirror, Mirror, we went to go see a dream/memory of the wendigo. The plot-hook took us across the entire camp, with different memories located in different spaces-- he would then snap in and out of guiding us to fight us as different characters. It was easily one of the coolest mods I've been in.

  2. I like the fact that you can build yourself as something totally different in the Deamfell. I can't wait to get in on that. I really liked the Un/Sealie plots and I'm excited to get further involved in that. I had kind of a profound feeling this weekend that everything was spiraling out of control in game which led to a very "how are we going to get through this?" moment. It was very cool.

    1. Yeah, after writing my PEL, I realized that everything had been upped a notch in terms of intensity. The death toll seemed higher in the battles; innocuous NPCs had really dark twists; entire orders were stomped; all Hell continually broke loose.

  3. All the goblin stuff was deliciously disorderly! First time I was ever in a field fight where it felt more chaotic than usual and I thought "well that's working as it should be". Somehow I managed to not get picked for any goblin dance duels (that I didn't instigate myself). I think the goblins took one look at Mira and went "ew, that one's too wimpy, throw it back" lol.

  4. After watching Ocalan, myself, and Valentine be elevated higher amongst the nobility...realizing that I outranked my dad.

    Also, chasing the Rob of Chimera around the four pillar groups on the field for an hour or two, since I didn't have an assigned group.
